2nd IEEE EMBS Summer School on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Telemedicine

Detailed Program

Sunday 16th, August 2015

Arrival day

19.00h Welcome Dinner


Saturday 22nd, August 2015

Departure day

8.00h Breakfast

Check out and departure to airport in Vienna


Booklet and list of lecture abstracts

Summer School Booklet
List of lecture abstracts


Meet the editors session

Program will include session with editors of journals and book series related on how to prepare quality scientific papers and increase the chance to get accepted to publication.


prof. Metin Akay, founding Editor-in-Chief of the Biomedical Engineering Book Series published by the Wiley and IEEE Press, associate editor in several recognized international scientific journals

prof. G. Z. Yang, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

prof. Y. T. Zhang, Editor of book series in Springer on Healthcare Informatics

prof. May D. Wang, Senior Editor, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics


Business and Healthcare Round Table

Round table with healthcare and ICT industry representatives will support the interaction between education, research, clinical practice and industry. We believe that such discussion can help our attendees to gain new insights and perspectives on telemedicine resulting in better transfer of research results into market products and services.


Social events

Organizers are preparing interesting social programme with half day trips to old town in capital city Bratislava and presentation of national culture, and folklore.



Sunday August 16th
19.00h Welcome dinner
Monday August 17th
8.00h-9.00h Breakfast
9.00h-10.30h prof. Toshiyo Tamura

Seamless Monitoring of Physiological Information in Daily Life: Retrospectives and Perspectives

10.30h-11.00h Break
11.00h-12.30h prof. Toshiyo Tamura

Seamless Monitoring of Physiological Information in Daily Life: Retrospectives and Perspectives

12.30-14.00h Lunch and discussion
14.00h-15.30h prof. Ralf Seepold

Stress pattern recognition and its influence on healthy sleep

15.30h-16.00h Break
16.00h-17.30h prof. Ralf Seepold

Stress pattern recognition and its influence on healthy sleep

17.30h-18.00h Discussion: Summary of the day
18.00h-19.00h Dinner
19.00h-20.30h Poster Session + discussion
Tuesday August 18th
8.00h-9.00h Breakfast
9.00h-10.30h Dr. Giuseppe Fico

A Multidisciplinary reference framework to support implementation and assessment of Diabetes Care in Community Settings through engineering methods and technologies.

10.30h-11.00h Break
11.00h-12.30h Dr. Giuseppe Fico

A Multidisciplinary reference framework to support implementation and assessment of Diabetes Care in Community Settings through engineering methods and technologies.

12.30-14.00h Lunch and discussion
14.00h-15.30h prof. Ron Summers

Ideation Methods Applied to Grand Engineering Challanges

15.30h-16.00h Break
16.00h-17.30h prof. Ron Summers

Ideation Methods Applied to Grand Engineering Challanges

17.30h-18.00h Discussion: Summary of the day
18.00h-19.00h Dinner
19.00h-20.30h Poster Session + discussion
Wednesday August 19th 
8.00-9.00h Breakfast
9.00h-10.30h prof. Friedrich Koehler
10.30h-11.00h Break
11.00h-12.30h prof. Friedrich Koehler
12.30h-14.00h Lunch and discussion
14.00h-22.00h Afternoon in Bratislava (leaving at 14.00h). Returning at 22.00h
  Thursday August 20th
7.30h-8.30h Breakfast
8.30h-10.00h prof. May D. Wang

Biomedical Big Data Analytics for Telemedicine and Outcome-Driven Health Care

10.00h-10.30h Break
10.30h-12.00h prof. May D. Wang

Biomedical Big Data Analytics for Telemedicine and Outcome-Driven Health Care

Lunch and discussion
13.30h-15.00h Dr. Erez Shalom

Enhancing patient safety using guideline based decision support systems

15.00h-15.30h Break
15.30h-17.00h Meet the Editors
17.30h-19.00h Business & clinical round table
19.00h-20.00h Dinner
20.00h-24.00h Best poster awards & wine tasting at the castle
Friday August 21st 
8.00h-9.00h Breakfast
9.00h-10.30h Dr. Erez Shalom

Enhancing patient safety using guideline based decision support systems

10.30h-11.00h Break
11.00h-12.30h prof. Metin Akay

Advanced NeuroTechnologies for Human Brain Initiatives

12.30h-14.00h Lunch and discussion
14.00h-15.30h prof. Metin Akay

Advanced NeuroTechnologies for Human Brain Initiatives

15.30h-16.00h Break
16.00h-17.30h Discussion: Summary of the day and the summer school
17.30h-19.00h Free time
19.00h-21.30h Farewell Grill Party
Saturday August 22nd
8.00h-9.00h Breakfast
9.00h-10.30h Departure to airport

16.8. - 22.8.2015

Smolenice castle
Slovak republic