Steering Committee of the Summer School:
prof. Metin Akay, University of Houston, USA
prof. Sergio Cerutti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
prof. Catherine Garbay, CNRS Grenoble, France
Dr. Fedor Lehocki, NCTS, SUT, Slovakia
prof. Constantina Nikita, NTUA, Greece
prof. Y.T. Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong
prof. May D. Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, USA
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Fedor Lehocki, director of National Centre of Telemedicine Services (NCTS) at Slovak University of Technology (SUT), established in cooperation with IBM, WHO Country Office in the Slovak Republic and Slovak Medical Chamber.
He is member of IEEE EMBS and member of Medical Terminology and Health Informatics Standards Center serving as advisory body for Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic. He is coauthor of the strategic documents for Slovak government related to national eHealth program. His research interests are mainly in the following topics: mHealth, telemedicine technology, systems and services, clinical decision support systems, knowledge modeling, remote monitoring and treatment. In 2006 he initiated a new research theme within Department of Applied Informatics at SUT related to telemonitoring and clinical decision support. He was jointly responsible for twelve research projects in domain of health telematics with funding from academia and industry. Dr. Lehocki is founding Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) and was reviewer for Biomedical Engineering Book Series published by the Wiley and IEEE Press. He was chair and organizer of the special session on telehealth systems at IEEE EMBC 2012 conference and served as the program committee member and reviewer for many international conferences in domain of biomedical engineering.
prof. Milan Tyšler, born in 1951 in Prague, director of the Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences. He obtained his MS in electrical engineering from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in 1974, PhD in measurement science from the Institute of Measurement Theory, Slovak Academy of Sciences in 1982 and Assoc. prof. from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University in Kosice.
He is member of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, president of the Slovak Society of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics, president of Slovak IMEKO committee and Council member of the International Society of Electrocardiology. He is the organizer and president of several international conferences Measurement, International Congresses on Electrocardiology and member of the Measurement Science Review editorial board.
His main professional interests include research and development of new methods and devices for biosignal measurement and processing and modelling of biological systems. His modelling work is oriented to the cardiovascular system and to non-invasive inverse methods for identification of pathological heart excitation and its use for identification of arrhythmogenic foci or local ischemia in the myocardium.
National Centre of Telemedicine Services, SUT, Slovakia:
Daniel Skalicky, Lenka Sykorova, Eva Bukovenova, Peter Fodrek, Jaroslav Hanzel