The 2nd IEEE EMBS Summer School on Emerging Applications and Technologies in Telemedicine will provide opportunity for learning and exploring on enabling state-of-the-art telemedicine technologies and applications for acquisition, transmission, processing, storage, retrieval, visualization, and analysis of patients‘ and health data. Theme of this year edition will cover challenges from wearable devices to Big data in healthcare. Focus will be on lectures on integrative and novel health informatics solutions to better translate discovery into clinical solutions and support precision medicine. Tutorials will ‚deep dive‘ in wireless and monitoring platforms, cardiovascular health informatics, e-p-m-Heath, biomedical Big data analytics and intelligence. Presentations will include clinical studies on chronic disease management, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Distiguished faculty from the field of Biomedical Engineering and Health Informatics will provide detailed expertise in the following domains:
Pervasive, intelligent, and context-aware Body Sensor Networks (BSN), Body Area Networks (BAN), body nets, Wearable and implantable sensor and devices, Multi-sensor data and information fusion, Mobile health technologies (mHealth), Big data analytics in healthcare, Data Integrity, Data Integration, Case-Based Reasoning, Real-Time Health and Clinical Decision Making, Formalism for healthcare modeling and informatics solutions, Knowledge discovery and decision support, Applications in cardiovascular diseases, Informatics for chronic disease management, Applications of telemedicine on active and healthy ageing, Supportive technologies for adherence to medical plans.
Round table with healthcare and ICT industry representatives will support the interaction between education, research, clinical practice and industry. Such open and interactive discussion can support our attendees to gain new insights and perspectives on telemedicine resulting in better transfer of research results into market products and services.
The summer school will be held at the castle situated in beautiful surroundings of the village Smolenice located in the west of Slovakia, about 60 km from the capital city Bratislava. First written documents about the existence of Smolenice date back to the 13th century. Castle was built in 15th century and since then have been owned by aristocratic families. During Napoleon wars the main building and tower was considerably damaged by fire. Restoration began in 19th century and was finished during 50’s of the last century. Since then it is owned by Slovak Academy of Sciences as its representative congress centre.
We hope that the 2nd IEEE EMBS Summer School on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Telemedicine: Addressing the Challenges from Wearable Devices to Big Data in Healthcare will provide interesting lectures, seminars and discussions in a rapidly evolving field and foster motivation and participation of our attendees and colleagues in the adventure of exploration and learning in this research domain.
Dr. Fedor Lehocki
Chair and Organizer
Summer School on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Telemedicine